Alexa Homey Skill is not working anymore in NL


Since i have changed the language of my Alexa Eco’s from English to Dutch, the Alexa Home skill doesn’t work anymore. Devices from Homey are not reachable.

When in search for the Homey Skill for Alexa it’s not available in my Region (NL) only US, so i can’t install the skill again. (old one is auto deleted after i have activated the Dutch language).

Can you release the Homey Skill for Alexa also for Dutch Region customers? Or is there another option to control Homey devices by using the Alexa Echo?

Also please add Alexa Echo Pop as device for Homey, so i can reach all Alexa Echo device from Homey.

I hope the problems are solved soon so i can control devices again by using Alexa

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