Alarm if no update from sensor Aqara- HP23

I am having some problem with my Aqara temp sensors not reporting (even though the temperature have changed). I have found that the problem relates to low battery on the sensor, but the battery-feedback is rarely correct.

Therefore, I want to program a flow to alert me if a temperature sensor have not reported or updated tempereture within 4 hours. In the Homey Pro 2023, the flow card “If a device have not reported” is missing and I can’t find out how to set up this my self .

Any advice or screenshots of a working flow or script?

I am using the Device capability card “Retrieve…” to check last time the sensor reported. If setting “0 min ago” it will return last seen time, compare it with your 4 hours.

Do this every two hours e.g.

Or restart a timer for 4 hours at every sensor update.

I’d use the timer route assuming the temperature changes throughout the day. Set up a timer with the Chronograph app. Set/reset the timer for four hours on each change of temperature. Report a problem if the timer expires.


Zigbee only

Any device

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Thanks a lot! I will try this out!