Advanced flows won't execute, regular flows do


i’m using a homey early 2016 and bought the advanced flows addon. but advanced flows don’t seem to work. For example i have made a simple flow (when movement on the attic neo coolcam PIR, send a message ‘there is movement’. I have attached 2 screens of the regular flow and advanced flow doing the same. only the advanced flow never executes.

any suggestions whats causing this?

Are both flows active (enabled at the same time?) Try to disable one at the time and try again.

zonder iets te veranderen lijkt het ineens tóch te werken… misschien wat ongeduldig geweest :see_no_evil:

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Since this post was started in English.

@Michiel_Fried said that it started working without him doing anything.
He thinks he was probably to impatiant.