I recently noticed that one of my main advanced flow, which trigger battery charge during off peak, doestn’t trigger any more, or randomly.
It has several “When” statements corresponding at certain time of the day and it seems that they are never trigger automatically. Running them manually work. Any idea ?
Please show the complete flow.
You can include a push notification or add something to a text variable to find exactly what doesn’t work any longer.
And probably you could tell us more what happened before the flow stopped working.
No, Homey is a black box. But flows don’t use cronjobs, Homey’s core tracks them all internally.
Make sure that the time/location of your Homey is set correctly (what Homey thinks is your local time can be found here as dateHuman: Homey Developer Tools).
Connect a push notification card directly to one of your trigger cards (Time is…) and wait 25 hours. Even if the timezone is wrong it should be triggered during that time.
You said they do not work any longer so they should have worked at least once. Did something happen between the last time it worked and the first time it didn’t? For example updates, plug-off events, or anything you remember?
Do you have any other And… cards in our flows?
Do you have any ALL cards in your flow?
Do you have any Delay cards in your flow?
If you copy the complete flow in a new one with another name, does it work?
If in all cases the answer is No, you can only rebuild the flow step by step like:
When the time is 05:45 , Then send a push notification “Step 1 works”
Next step:
And date is between a and b, Then send a push notification “Step 2 works”