Advanced flow - long press button dimmer - Any ideas?


i trying to dim hue lights with a ikea trafri remote dimmer that supports long press button.
I found some info in this forum but they are not about the advanced flows.

So can somebody help me out with some ideas in the new advanced flow so i can din the spots while keeping the button pressed en stop dimming when i release the button.


I am having the same question.
I have a flow that starts but it won’t stop, it gets stuck in a loop.
Homey disables it after 60 runs wich is good to do.

But how do I make the homey know that the button is no longer pressed anymore.

I have thought of a work arround:

When the user presses long on the on button the flow starts:

In the flow it tells 2 logic cards what is it doing, turn light up or turn light down and the second logic card it tells the flow that is busy with dimming.

When this flow is running it checks if it needs to turn up the light or turn down and after that it will check if the light is 100% with the smaller than 1 or the light is 0% with the greater than 0 . If you do not check for the greater or smaller than the flow will loop and be stopped after 60 times by Homey.

When the user presses short on the on or of button again the logic card will change so that the dimming is stopped.

Hope this will help others.

Hi! Is there any way to share that flow? It’s kinda hard to understand some of the logic when it’s in dutch. :slight_smile:

I will try to change my language to english and retake the screenshots

Did anyone manage to do this in English? :slight_smile:

I added english text to the screen hopefully it will be clear now. If not please ask.

Did this help anybody?

I’d like to say yes. But no. I’m too bad at working with Advanced Flows to understand this setup. Is there any way to share/export the flow?

Is this flow making it possible to dim “stepless”? How is it working?

There is a neat way to share your Advanced flow with this app

The imported flow will automatically show in the language you selected in Homey.

I tried that, but my Homey is a bit broken. The Zigbee is gone. Hopefully I will get the new pro deliverd this at the end of this month and will repost the flow exchange if this one does not work:

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Isn’t it strange that it’s such an issue to get a button to dim a light using long press? I mean, if I use the Ikea Trådfri dimmer button and pair it to a Ikea bulb, it works like a charm. But if I use the same hardware but use Homey in the middle it’s not possible.

I’ve spent shit loads of money trying to find buttons, switches etc but nothing is working.


Homey doesn’t have that functionality yet. But Homey is aimed at automating things. I rarely touch a button anymore.
I think you should make a request at Athom support for this feature.

Stating here how much money you spend is not gonna make any difference I’m afraid :wink:

It was more a way of stating that I have done some extensive testing without any real results.

I’ll send them a message.

And even if I would like to have a fully automater home, I have three other family members that aren’t that keen on that idea.

Yea with several family members, with different views on things, it’s hard to find a way of automating things.
I do agree it’s a bit odd Homey cannot properly dim a light by press and hold, or “press and press again” a button.

Just as example, I bought some ClickOnClickOff gear 20, 25 years ago and (still) has a perfect
working dim system:
1 click On - when light is off, turn light on
1 click On, when light is on, dim up until you click On again
Another click On, when light is on, dim down until you click On again
1 click Down - turn light off

A reason Homey has not implemented this (yet) could be (imho), it should send many many dim commands in a burst at those dim up / down moments, and Homey is not capable of sending many commands with very short intervals.

Hi, new Homey user but have worked a bit with similar solutions before. Have run in to the same issue as many others. A easy way to make a pushbutton also a dimmerswitch. Any chance you could share the flow now? Hopefully you got a new Homey thats working now.

I got the new homey, and i am still adding devices to it because zigbee needs to be reconnected again…to bad but working hard on this to share my flow

Oke i got all the lights connected again and i am trying to explain how it works.

When i Push the button once it will set the light to 50% brightness.

When the button on is pressed long it will start the flow with setting logic to turn light up and set a second logic to busy with dimming and after that i will call a second flow with a text label.

The first logic is telling the second flow to turn up the brightness of the light.

The second flow is needed to stop the second flow, this is done by pressing the on button again.

When the on button is pressed again it will change the logic from busy with dimming to stop dimming.
The second flow checks again if the logic is still busy with dimming, if not it will stop itself.
It will also stop itself when the light reaches 100% brightness of 0% brightness depending on turning up the light of turning down the light.


Had the same problem with dimming, but your flow script worked fine. Thx!

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I used this as a starting point, and tidied it up a bit. The attached flow uses a single numeric variable “Dim_change”, which takes -0.05 (dim down), 0.05 (dim up), or 0 (stop process). It also checks that the device dim_level is within bounds and otherwise sets Dim_change to 0. Works like a charm.