Just connect to the deconz server and you can add the devices again. The backup is a deconz backup and not the devices in homey. Do you understand what I mean?
@MadMonkey A few minor issues:
- Switches and open/close sensors (Aqara/Ikea) can be paired to Homey twice, once as specific and once as generic switch. Is that something that could be blocked by the app to prevent confusion?
- The Aqara Temperature sensor displays T as 18.35 C, but the device accuracy is 0.1 C at best, so it might make sense to round the value to 1 decimal place.
Ok, thanks
@MadMonkey this afternoon I bought an additional motion sensor for my bathroom, a motion sensor from the Lidl, thought it was supported. It is being recognized by deConz but I don’t know what I have to select for a device within Homey.
"86": {
"config": {
"battery": 100,
"duration": 60,
"enrolled": 1,
"on": true,
"pending": [],
"reachable": true
"ep": 1,
"etag": "eddfd782sfsdfsdf34c5f7910da",
"lastseen": "2021-02-05T14:06Z",
"manufacturername": "SILVERCREST",
"modelid": "TY0202",
"name": "Motion Sensor",
"state": {
"lastupdated": "2021-02-05T14:06:31.199",
"lowbattery": false,
"presence": false,
"tampered": false
"swversion": "2019.12.12",
"type": "ZHAPresence",
"uniqueid": "bc:33:ac:ff:fe:06:81:7a-01-0500"
This is the info on deConz.
Thx for the details, this sensor will be supported in the next release as “Heiman/Lidl/Silvercrest Motion Sensor”
It is ensured that you cannot add the same device with the same driver twice but yes, the generic sensor currently does not look for this. But if there is a specific driver there is no need to use the generic one, the later is only intended for devices that are no explicit supported
The app just reports the values sent by deconz. It appears that the sensor really sends this exact values so I do not see why the app should hide this behaviour?
Support for thermostats will come for sure one day. As I do not have any such device I will need some testers and as it needs an entirely new driver it is harder to support it than new motion sensors for example. Stay tuned for this!
@MadMonkey Fair enough. The Homey Aqara app does round to one decimal place though, but not a big deal.
Cool, just let me know when you want me to do some testing for the Moes thermostat device!
Some basic info:
To be honest I’m not even sure what is needed at the bare minimum (Current Mode/Temperature, Setpoint?)
And works, thanks
@MadMonkey Quick question: I have tunable Aqara bulbs (ZNLDP12LM, lumi.light.aqcn02) that I can manage just fine from Phoscon and from the device view in Homey. The problem is that a flow card to set the color temperature does not work, although the cards for On/Off + Dimming do work.
The bulb does not even turn. Any clues?
And another issue: during continuous motion, many of my Aqara motion sensors will correctly display as “active” (flashing + exclamation mark), but the motion alarm time will stay stuck on for example “8 minutes ago” in the Homey App. When looking in Phoscon, the right trigger time is always shown (x seconds ago).
I think this used to work as expected before (although the Homey WebApp sometimes needed a ctrl-f5 to refresh), correctly resetting every minute or so to “x seconds ago”? Do others experience this as well? It could also be a generic FW5 RC thing…
[Update] Mmmm… I may have interpreted that the wrong way. Maybe it just means “has been continuously active for x minutes” rather than “was last active x minutes ago”.
Nope, works fine here
I’ve pushed a new beta that provides a generic driver for thermostats, please try it out!
Cool, will do! I think the latest deCONZ 2.9.2 Beta also provides improved support for TRVs.
Quick update: I can add the TRV to deCONZ and although it does not show up in Phoscon and it’s called “Faily Light” in deCONZ, it can be added to Homey as a generic thermostat. Temperature looks OK and I see the setpoint on the TRV change when I set it in Homey. It’s not mounted on the radiator yet, so can’t fully test it yet.
Hi everyone,
I think I’ll buy the RaspBee II to link to homey. Would this app work ?
Yes, thats what this app does:)
Thanks. It was not clear for me. The USB stick Conbee2 is well explained but not the equivalent for Raspi.
@MadMonkey The TVR does not seem to update the setpoint in Homey when I change it on the device itself. Also the TVR temperature accuracy/resolution is 0.5 degrees instead of the 0.01 steps displayed in Homey (so 18.0 → 18.5 instead of 18.00 → 18.50)
@MadMonkey And another request for Aqara Vibration sensor advanced settings: could you add a comment to the sensitivity setting (0-21) that 0=Most sensitive and 21=Least sensitive? Took me while to realize this settings works the other way around.
What I can do is that you also see the manual adjustments of the heatsetpoint. The resolution of the temperature is defined by homey, I cannot do much here…
Thx for the hint for the vibration sensor!