Hi there, yesterday it was a black out in my house and after this all zwave nodes is missing. In homey i can see them, but in developer are them away. What can i do? Homey pro 2023
Tried restart homey? Or power off, power on homey?
Yes tried 3 or 4 times, not nodes in developer
Never advise what you don’t know…
This removes everything, needing the user to pair all Z-Wave devices again and fix all flows
Didn’t I write:
Maybe you should do this as last option?
Have a look again on the Homey Developer Tools and the part which shows current command. If it’s empty, PTP didn’t help, I would go with re-flashing firmware via USB-C and/or restoring backup and in case of issues, contact Athom.
After 12.3.3 all my zwave nodes went missing.
Solved by resetting with pin, back to factory settings, import backup.
After startup, zwave was back, luckily for me!
Did you contact Athom support, including your System diag code, when that happened, right ?
No, but i made a backup before i recovered to older backup, they are welcome to scrutinize that.
lør. 8. mars 2025, 22:20 skrev Sharkys via Homey Community Forum <notifications@athom.discoursemail.com>: