Zooz Scene Control

I see that the Zooz app allows you to enable Scene Control on what appears only to be the dimmer switches (ZEN72 for example). That option is not there there on other Zooz switches that the hardware is capable of (ZEN71 or ZEN76 for example). Am I missing something? Furthermore, even with the scene control enabled option on, doesn’t seem I can do anything with it in Flows. I want to set up a flow for when button 1, or 2, or whatever the switch supports is double tapped, perform an action.

I don’t use Zooz devices, but I guess this feature is missing for some devices in the app.

For example this feature is integrated for the ZEN30 Dimmer…


…but not for the ZEN72 Dimmer. The required flow card is missing:

The same applies to the switches ZEN71 and ZEN76.

Please contact the app developer.

thanks Dirk. Just making sure I wasn’t missing something. I have plenty of Zooz devices and as you indicate it’s built into some devices, but not all.

At least that’s what it looks like when you look at the available Flow Cards in the App Store:

Zooz App for Homey | Homey

However, it’s quite possible that not all Flow Cards are always listed in the App Store. You can only see which Flow Cards are really available after you add the device.

this has been corrected / added in the upcoming v1.0.17 release