Zone variables

So, before I post a request, like last time… maybe I’ve missed this too…

I’ve made an adv flow for my lighting that has all of my zones, individually “when zone kitchen changes to active” then “turn on al lights in zone kitchen”

Is there some shorter way? Like a “start card” that says; “when a zone changes to active” and then a variable is available with the zone name?

That way you would be able to make far simpeler flows; like:
When a zone changed to active, turn on all lights in zone $var.

It would cover all the zones. With one statement, instead of having 10 individual “when” cards.

Take a look at the Zone Memory app,
the Device Capabilities app, maybe when @Arie_J_Godschalk can implement zone activity listener one day?
Something like this, Arie:

Yeah, that would be possible yeah.

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Almost there, Arie. Now only if it is possible to add a tag field next to the zone dropdown, where the [last_zone] variable can be selected… then it works. :upside_down_face:

Thanks to the idea of Lammy: Keep lights on where motion was last detected? - #14 by Lammy

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Hey Peter, send me the TEF for the flow?
I’ll check what is in the zone.
Or tell me, what is in the zone? An ID, Name?

Hi Arie,

The Zone variable holds the plain Zone name
Screenshot from 2022-09-27 18-55-22

Here’s the flow:


@Peter_Kawa and @rxfc
Okay, take a look at the Test version:

There is the new card: Zone became Active/inactive/both.
You can use the Set Capability Cards and plcae the Zone ID tag in the tag field.

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Wow, that’s very neat!