Zen04 Smart Plug not found in Zooz Devices List

If you want to use devices with Homey Bridge / Homey Pro, a Homey app (not Homey smartphone app!) that supports this device is required. This app provides a device driver so that Homey Bridge / Homey Pro is able to communicate with this device.
These apps are developed by Athom (the company behind Homey), by the maker of the devices or by user.
These apps can be installed directly via the Homey smartphone app by choosing a device, or from the App Store. In the App Store, further information are available that are not visible in the Homey smartphone app, also information on how to contact the app developer:

Also an important information in the App Store is, if there is a topic about the App in the Homey Community Forum. But this is not the case for all apps, e.g. for the Zooz app is no topic available.
This is an example from another app:

If there is not yet an app for a specific device maker, you can submit a request on the page Request A Brand to Athom or post a request in the topic [Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests to see if a user is willing to develop an app.

I hope I was able to answer your questions.