Would you buy a dashboard device from Athom?

Hi all,

With the introduction of Homey Dashboards operating your smart home has become a lot more accessible then before.

I guess many homey users including myself are looking for a way display and use the Dashboard in their living room. I’v seen several solution already but in general it’s just a tablet mounted to the wall for one purpose.

I have been thinking, wouldn’t it be great if Athom designs a slik touchscreen with a special dashboard OS. When they offer such thing I would definitely buy it.

What do you Homey enthusiasts think of this?

I’m curious.

Kr. Mark


In Dutch we have a saying: ‘Schoenmaker blijf bij je leest’ I hope Athom is sensible enough to apply that saying.

Yes, a dashboard device would be very cool, but not by Athom, it’s not their cup of tea, let the experts in that field build such devices.


Well, it’s definitely a product that has a marked. I have been looking for a device that is made for wall mounting. With focus on screen resolution and speed. Such a device could skip certain standard tablet functionality like a camera on the back, gyroscope and probably other things to keep the price down. Magnetic wireless charging on the wall would be optimal.

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This would be a great chance for LG to step in. They have the knowledge, technology and production capacity, Athom the developers.


No, but I can’t wait till they add dashboards to the browser version, so i can cast them om my screens. (Although already have a good workaround for it using Home Assistant)


Like a homey app on their lg smart tv’s

Nah, not on TV - it needs a touchscreen.

I would see a small market for an Athom dashboard device, but with such a specialized target it would be very hard to create a competitive device. Would I buy one? Only if they could be priced well below a standard tablet capable of running a dashboard.

That would be “skomaker bli ved din lest” a bit further north :slight_smile: Fully agree btw.


But how large a market? What percentage of the Homey user base will be running a dashboard and out of them, what percentage would find the device from Athom appealing?
With this inevitably being a niche product it would be very difficult to make a device designed and produced by Athom competitive to a general purpose tablet on price. Economies of scale and all that.
If I’m not mistaken LG has left both the tablet and phone market and I doubt they would start production of a small volume (to them) one-trick pony like this.

Hi all,

I think that it would be easier if the dashboards could be loaded in an already existing device instead of developing a new device for this purpose.

For example, Shelly has some Wall displays (not cheap, btw). I think that the software developement to make this device compatible with dashboards would be much cheaper than developing the hardware.

I meant a dashboard device in general. Not from Athom.

Athom/Homey already produces hardware: Homey
Minimally, Homey could publish parameters they feel may be best for a dashboard device.
Athom could whitelist production of a suitable device. Look at what Firewalla is doing by adding a hardware extension, AP’s to their firewall/router line and soon network switches.
Help us make the Firewalla AP – Firewalla

Homey has the software, home automation hardware and could do the exact same thing, provide a fairly complete home automation solution. As noted above, LG would be a great source for this extension.

Yes! I’ve suggested this once. I bought a Homey to have as less as possible DIY to do. Otherwise I would have go for the hassio solution.

Using an old tablet and make it wall mounted with software that just not work as I want is not what I’m looking for.

I need a display, preferably wall mounted on a standard wall box (inbouwdoos). Having its own temperature sensor, light sensor etc. In my case I would replace my nest thermostat and mount the display on there.

And for the bedrooms, bathroom etc I would love to have a smaller display like the NSPanel from Sonoff.

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in between it would be Skuonmakker blieuw by dyn leest :rofl:


Regarding the Schumacher Athom just released an energy meter…

Suggesting LG makes one as this is somehow within their business sounds good, but then we have to remember their refocus from making hardware to spy on their users for marketing (and probably data / useage sales).

Which will mean a screen with wideangle cameras and microphones, both not disableable. “For your improved user experience”.

Si, yo estaría interesado pero si es una gran pantalla como la del último echo show. Además tendría que funcionar como nodo y hub. Tuya ya las hace e integran preinstalado home asistan container y android.

Hi @German_Llerda

Are you able to write your comments in english?
This is sort of a rule.

No hard feelings. I paste your comment in Google translate but it did not made any sence to me :rofl:

Welcome by the way.


Maybe. Depends on the price and what features it offers that other manufacturers doesn’t… I wouldn’t say no if Athom madr it but I guess another developer can do it better.

When it looks like the Google home i am
interested, and important, what is the price