Why is Homey sending zwave transactions to technisat

Hi all,

I have 20 zwave devices, most from fibaro. The zwave network is pretty stable. Had quite a struggle to add a new fibaro dimmer 2 this weekend, but with all the suggestions in other posts in the community I got it to work. My solution was activating the device on a different location in the house, apparently with less signal clutter.

But when using the zwave tool in homey to accomplice the above I noticed 1 device is getting quite some transactions pushed from Homey. I want to find out where this is coming from.
Every 30 sec a transanction is send and most of them are shown as ‘queued trx’

The device is a technisat wall dimmer

Seems to be a “chatty” device issue.
Try to decrease the polling or update intervals via device settings:


There are several z-wave KB articles, this one you probably missed: