Welcome Home from Sonos (Flow)

Hello guys,

Im trying to create a flow that:

When I come home (presence|) AND AFTER the Main Door open, THEN speak Sonos Welcome Home.

I start with that picture (SCREENSHOT) but I’m thinking how I will create it. The time there is not enough to arrive at the main door…so its wrong :confused:

When My presence comes near to my home, the flow must wait until the front door open. How I create this? I dont want to add “Delay” because I dont know how many minutes needs to go inside of my building.
Or if you have any other way for the same job.

Only with HomeyScript I think can we create the waiting of the door??

No, even with HomeyScript it won’t be possible in your way.

I think you should re-think your flow, might be better to set a variable:

  1. [WHEN] came home [THEN] set a variable/logic ("CameHome) to true [&] set a timer to automatically reset it (better not do a “wait” card, but use an app like Chronograph’s timers as you can stop/pause/reset those).
  2. [WHEN] timer empties [THEN] set variable to false.
  3. [WHEN] door opens [AND] variable is true [THEN] speak to Sonos [&] set variable to false [&] stop timer

Or with only a timer (app, like Chronograph):

  1. [WHEN] came home [THEN] set a timer of 30 seconds.
  2. [WHEN] door opens [AND] timer is running [THEN] speak to Sonos [&] Stop timer
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Can the first part be done in one advanced flow? Or they are 3 differents flows??
How long the Variable “ComeHome” must stay true??

I dont know how Chronograph app works

I start with this:

You can have multiple trigger cards in a single advanced flow, so you can make them all into a single advanced flow.
But they are 3 separate trigger cards.

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How long the Variable “ComeHome” must stay true?? I dont know the exact time from car parking to home. Must I count it??? And If I change my road to home?

Wondering why using a timer in this flow.

When set to home set variable to yes.

Door opens, and variable is yes, then sonos says … and switch varible to no.

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YES that’s works! Thanks a lot guys

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recuerdo que hay una aplicación que detecta el móvil cuando se conecta a la red wifi, se llama “Presencia Inteligente”, lo mismo puedes crear un flow para que cuando tu móvil se conecte a tu wifi te de la bienvenida, ya dependiendo del alcance wifi que tengas puedes terminar de configurarla ajustando los tiempos.

un saludo

Timer is for false positives or if you just drive (close) by your home.
If you live alone that is not the biggest issue, if you have multiple people it can cause bad WAF. (Wife accaptance factor).

Timer can be 5 minutes or so, doesn’t have to be very precise.

EDIT: Or another option is when leaving, and the value is true, to set it to false.

Good point, if using someone came home. If using mister x come home it would work

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@Caseda every post is in English, what you mean??? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

EDIT: Oh sorry I use Chrome and everything are in English :stuck_out_tongue: