My requirement would be to synchronise the user experience for the list of flows, zones and Homeyscript.
In the web app, the folders containing flows can be collapsed in /unfolded, this is very practicable, given a long list of flows/folder structure. Also the search function is very strong and appreciated.
Can the same be added to the zones / devices tab and the HomeyScript app?
This would enable “closing” a floor (hiding its rooms) and focus on a set of rooms for a certain floor. This will also reduce the need to scroll and make the user experience more consistent.
A filter option would enable to quickly find a certain room or to filter comparable zones within a room (multiple rooms could have a heating or presence zone).
Same for Homeyscript, this already has a filter function ( )
But as the number of scripts can become quite large, having a folder structure would bring a better overview (and again user experience consistency.
On top it would be nice if (finally) it would be made possible to be able to change the order of the zones