Weatherflow Tempest

Is the Weatherflow Tempest able to be used by Homey? On the Indiegogo site, this campaign ( it states to be able to use with Homey. Is this correct? Are there any users that claimed this product and have more information? Can this device be used in The Netherlands and their Weatherservices?

I guess they based that on the fact that there’s an app for their products;

I can only assume that the maker of that app will add the new device.

If not, you can always use IFTTT.

It took some time to get my Tempest, however it arrived today and is up and running.
Configuration took a few minutes.
Tried to add the Tempest into the Weatherflow app but the app doesn’t recognize the Tempest.


I have recieved today my tempest. Will this device supportdesk in the app?

Check this: WeatherFlow's Smart Weather Station

Is it also to get a notification if the Tempest detects lightning?

yes its possible.

I’ve been waiting for 2 years for a tempest, still not available in UK

I had a bad loading off the power with my tempest from the origal kickstart version (the beginning).
And the support off Tempest (Weatherflow) look to their own data of my tempest.

And they come to the conclusion: The device will likely need to be replaced - the good news is, the first signs of irregularity in the charging history occurred while the device was still under the 2-year warranty, so the replacement will be free of charge

What a good support for this weatherstation firm. (And it is all ready underway to The Netherlands)