Way to check how a device/flow was triggered?

Is there a way to check what triggered something? Was it triggered by a flow? By a device action? Directly from the app? Something like this could be useful :slight_smile:

Something like this?

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Hi @Tiwas ,
The best idea to start wit is the one of @Morgan .
If that is not sufficient you can use your flows to add some debug information. The easiest ist to create a variable where you write in the triggered event. Unfortunately it is less trackable, so you might send some notes via push-notifications, WhatsApp, Signal, Signal or e-mail.
And you might find some other ways to log the state, but I have no experience with them.
Hope that helps :smiley:

@Morgan Can I access this from a flow?

It is already built in the mobile app and the web app.

Another logging I like to use is to append notes in a google sheet. You need to use flowcards for this and the homey app Sheets.

No, I need to check it in the flow. Like “if this was initiated by a flow, do this. If this was initiated by physical key, do this”

Device Capabilities app!


Thanks! Will look into that. At least, detecting if it was a device firing the flow will help :slight_smile:

True, but it reports the user and used client as well, like web app, mobile app, dashboard Y

You wrote

I don’t understand the difference:
Someone or some device always starts a flow? It doesn’t decide to run by itself.
Can you elaborate on this, please?
Maybe you mean the “trigger every Thursday” flows?

Also, do take a look at the Audit app. Great logging tool.

I’ll try :slight_smile: Ok, so the lights in my bathroom can be triggered both by the physical switch or by my housekeeper unlocking the front door. If they turn on for some reason while the housekeeper is not in the house, it should check if the zone and adjacent zones have been inactive for more than a couple of minutes. If so, they should turn off - but they should obviously not force anyone to clean my bathroom in the dark.

That’s one use-case.

This is beyond who/what started a flow.
I think you should use variables in this case, to mark the housekeeper in or out.
When the variable changes to True, you know the housekeeper turned the bathroom lights on, not the switch.

Yeah, it’s beyond, but meant as an example. I think, however, I’ve found a good solution to the original problem - I can create virtual devices. For my bathroom light, for instance, I can have the device itself (which has a direct association from the motion sensor), a virtual device for flows and a virtual device for any other use-case. That way I can just check which one was triggered.

Probably wouldn’t have thought of that without this sparring, så thanks :smiley: