Washing Machine notification?

I have my washing machine plugged into a Aeotec smart switch 6 (zwave). The washing machine has a standby current of x, when it is turned on it it will rise to current level of y and during the wash cycle current can drop close to x.
Can I setup a flow that will notify me when the washing cycle is complete, by turning one of my Hue lights “Red”?
Then can we reset the flow/notification, by turning off the “Red” hue light, since I have the tap switch? (pressing off will turn them off)

Sure you can. There are almost certainly many different ways you could achieve this. The way i would do it would be to create a virtual switch device to track the state of the washing machine and another virtual switch device to track the state of your ‘washing machine finished’ notification. (To add a virtual device, click plus to add a device, pick homey then virtual switch.)

Flows like this:

  1. Triggered WHEN the washing machine power goes above some threshold AND the washing machine virtual device is off THEN turn washing machine virtual device on (to signify the washing machine is on).
  2. Triggered WHEN the washing machine power goes below some threshold AND the washing machine virtual device is on THEN turn washing machine virtual device off.
  3. Triggered WHEN the washing machine virtual device is turned off THEN turn on the wm finished notification device
  4. Triggered WHEN the wm notification device turned on THEN set hue light to red
  5. Triggered WHEN the hue light turned off AND the wm finished notification device turned on THEN turn wm finished notification device off (might also have to set hue to white as well to stop It coming on red next time, I’m not sure if hue lights remember their colour)

It’s a lot of flows and you could almost certainly do it in fewer flows and devices if you want but homey can easily cope with many hundreds of flows and I find it a lot easier to see what’s going on and diagnose issues plus a lot more flexible this way. With this approach the system kind of ‘self-documents’ since when you find you have so many flows they’re hard to track down, you can always go into the device view for each virtual device and see the list of flows then mention that device. Also each of your virtual devices will automatically build up its own history in the virtual device view so you get automatic built-in logging too.

Long story short: yes u can!

Ofcourse I’ve done the same thing with my dishwasher (20year old washer and added a Power meter (stroommeter))
Just follow these 4 flows




Here is an example of the current used in 1cycle by the dishwasher, This is very important to check while making the right flows

@jabz Have you been able to get it running with one of the examples mentioned above?