Wall plug zigbee

No, we don’t. This thread started out with a particular Zigbee device being marked as unknown, and I’ve explained why this happens and also how Homey’s Zigbee implementation works.

To reiterate myself: when a device is marked as unknown, there is no app installed that has declared that it supports that device. The device may work if it can be handled by Homey’s generic Zigbee implementation, but that’s very limited and only works with lights (and possibly simple switches).

It doesn’t matter which app you use to add the device and the configuration screens that you’re showing are irrelevant.

I don’t agree with you.

  1. So if a device is unknown, I don’t have to look for another app, as Homey will search for the right app?
  2. what is the purpose of different apps,? are the all using the same configuration screens?
  3. Adding pictures of configuration screens, could make clear what some is talking about.

Rtx ZP2

A device can only be unknown if there is no app installed that supports it. So the premise of this question is flawed.

Apps provide specific support for specific devices. The Hue app provides specific support for specific Hue devices, the KlikAanKlikUit app provides specific support for specific KlikAanKlikUit devices.

Again, the configuration screens are not relevant.

That’s a TuYa device.

You can try installing the test version of the TuYa app to see if it supports your device. If you, you can request support for it here: GitHub · Where software is built

May I rephrase this as: If a device is reported as unknown, you could try another app that does support the device.

If that other app is already installed, it won’t make any difference.

It will make a difference if you use it or not.:grin:

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: [APP][Pro] SONOFF Zigbee