User/name tag in notifications


I would really like to have the opportunity to make a notification in timeline including WHO (name / user tag) actually did “something”

Example “userX (tag) turned light on”

It’s possible to make a notification if a set point is changed on a thermostat, but as we have 8 users on our homey in the cabin, I cannot know who actually changed it.


Hi Panser,
I get your point, never thought of it, but very logical to me.
But I really don’t know if ‘which user pressed what button’ functionality is aboard at all. One should assume it is logged somewhere, maybe sent along with the command.
Really interesting Q, but sorry I have no answer. I go dig though :wink:

That’s an interesting point! Would be great to know who turned or changed something via their respective app.

I guess it wouldn’t be much use though since it’s only able to do so via action on the app and then you have the issue with people who use a permanent dash board.

I am testing something for this, ill respond as soon as i have a clear answer (somewhere today i asume).
Stay tuned…


If a user does this within the Homey app, you could actually make this happen.

And to broaden this. If you work with users and tags: it would be great to have the option “last left home” to be filled with the actual name of that person in a tag. To target an push notification to only that user (and not the others).

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I see your point, and that crossed my mind too.
Anyway it would be better than nothing to have a notification where ‘user tag’ replies the actual user’s name if action is from the app, and maybe ‘unknown’ as reply if action is from dashboard, physical device or logic/flow.

How do you know within an App who pushed a button or anything?

@Panser and @Peter_Kawa
I am working on a solution which seems promising, but i have to test it some more.

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I do not. What I meant was, that Athom could send the users ID from the Homey app to the Homey itself along with the command they are pressing.
You turn on a lamp in the Homey app. The command is executed. But along with that command you could add the user id.
If you put it in a flow: when device is turned on, “send push notification to tagged user”. Or make a notification “user tag turned on the light”

Nope, i can’t accomplish what is wanted: there is nothing from the User or the Session that is updated when a button is pushed in the Homey App (or anything else).
So i can’t even use a timebased-style linking a user to an action.

This question can only be resolved by Athom.

Thanks for investigating this Arie.
So this Q. is now a feature request, if sent to Athom.

If I understand it correctly, the athom google request form is no longer in use. Athom will spot ‘hot’ subjects in this forum. Right?

I would really like Athom to consider this in further developments.

Thanks to all of you for your interest in this subject :pray:t2:

I read that too. still works though!


Thank you for reaching out to us, I confirm I have read the suggestion on the forum.

I will forward it internally as I see the added value of such a functionality, however please keep in mind it will not offer a solution to all use cases, for example when a physical button is pushed, it will be impossible to identify the person responsible. So in the end, only a small percentage of all actions will be logged, depending on the setup of the respective user.

Please note I cannot make any promises regarding implementation, nor about implementation times.

Best Regards,


The Athom support team.


I allready have a solution made/writen that will give the ability to know Who pushed which button through the DeviceCapabilities App, if/once athom builds in the bases for that tracking by sending it with actions through webapp or homey app.


It is true what Boaz writes, but I don’t see this as a big showstopper.
A good Homey home doesn’t need very much physical switches pushed. Mostly the guests do out of habit :wink:
Just my 2 cents.

@Panser @Arie_J_Godschalk
Just found out about the new Android Homey Beta app (v6.6.0) - Homey v6.1.0

Hans, this is a pretty big step towards your request imho.

For a virtual device, it detected this: