Updating data property of devices

I am currently working on a update for the Asus WRT app I have in the store, and I made a mistake a couple of months ago regarding the data object.

I am unable to find anything regarding ‘setData’ to migrate current devices and I am hoping I don’t have to force users to re-add their devices. If it is impossible to update the data object is there some other way I am able to automatically migrate devices of users?

Sorry, no chance to change the data property. This element should only contain the unique key of the device (SN, MAC, GUID other unique device identifiers).

Device migration is problematic. You could migrate/copy the existing devices on app start up, but the flows will be broken if the old device is deleted.
You can copy some data of the data part into the store element. So you can change it afterwards - perhaps in repair view. Or you can add new settigns and copy the data into settings on startup (if initial). But you won’t be able to delete it from data element.

Thanks for your answer! I was already afraid I had to figure out some other way, so I did, I now have an additional check during pairing to compare with ‘old’ devices if the device should be shown. I also introduced a check during device onInit to check if a device needs ‘migrating’ to the new format and that seems to do the job without requiring input from the user.