Unsupported device list (in app report broken)

Greetings Homey community!

I wanted to post here as my device support feedback is broken in app.

Coming from ST - Hubitat and now Home Assistant

I really enjoyed the Homey Pro, but unfortunately, I have to stick with HA at the moment, as too many of my
devices are not supported (which seems to be a trend in the USA for Homey)
As mentioned my request for the device support option is broken (ext link will not validate)
But I also can’t wait for who knows how long or at all for the “app” to support it.

Overall an amazing device that I want to migrate to permanently! I will be keeping this account and maybe come back after updates. I would also be willing to donate $ to someone to add these devices for me and future homeys :slight_smile:
I’m not going to do a side-by-side on both hubs (nobody cares what I think lol) but I will say that these forums are sooo much better than HA from my experience, so thank everyone for the help!

Here are my non-supported devices (and I’m serious about donating for supporting app time)

Z-wave Lock U-Bolt
Z-wave Honey Well Thermostat TH8320Z (I could possibly replace if everything else worked)
Z-wave Dimmer and Switch WD-100 and WS-100
And the dimmers and switches are big ones as they are also scene controllers.
Does anyone know of a replacement that has that feature? IE: tap twice on to activate a “rule or scene”

Hope to hear some feedback.

I’m sorry to have to say this again, but I have already told you where you should submit device requests. There are two places to submit device requests. I have already listed both places in this post, including links.
I also pointed you to the Welcome to the forum! post in which those also mentioned.
And as I can see, you didn’t asked [Requests] Homey Pro Community App Requests.

Regarding the official request site by Athom. Because this is more or less a user-only forum, we probably can’t help you with the problem. In the end, you will still have to contact Athom Support.
Have you checked if the problem is due to your setup? Have you tried different browsers? Do you use PiHole, AdGuard or similar filter programs? Or anything else at the network configuration?

Btw, it would be helpful to provide the manufacturer/brand of your Z-Wave devices, or is the manufacturer/brand named “Z-Wave”?


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