So Personally I do hate how TV’s look as an object or furniture, they always are very intrusive in a space, and when off just a “black hole”. Anyhow, that’s my personal taste. But this question comes from my disliking of TV-objects.
Now I am building made to measure Bibliotheque/media-center hideaway, for our sitting room.
And I am thinking about hiding away the TV screen inside a cabinet, and make it come up when needed with a TV-lift.
I wonder thus does any of you have a tip for a Lift that works with Homey?
I have been contemplating different solutions until now.
1- get it to work via a Harmoney Hub, and from there to Homey.
-> Yes it works, but it’s a messy solution i find, i would like some elegance into the system.
2- Hack one, install a Fibaro Relay or 3 way switch and work that way.
3- make one my self with a Shutter motor, with a Dimmer module, or a Motor that is already Homey Aproved.
I thus come to you, to see if anyone has a better idea or knows of something i didn’t find? …