Trying to combine KAKU with Homey, Blink and Echo Show 5

Hello all,

I’ve been trying to set something up for the last three days but for my life of me I can’t get it to work. What I have is:

  • Homey
  • KlikAanKlikUit Doorbell
  • Blink Camera
  • Echo Show 5

Now, what I want to achieve is that when somebody pushes the button on the KAKU doorbell, that the Echo Show 5 shows me video feed on the camera.

I can setup a flow that receives the click from KAKU.
I can view the camera by telling Alexa “Alexa, show me the front door”

However, I cannot get it set up so the flow and Echo Show 5 interact with each other. Any advice? I have tried Homey, Stringify, IFTTT, Alexa routines but I can’t get it to work.