sometimes my network becomes not that stable (in particular when I upgrade the box from my provider ) And I came to an idea : would it be possible for any flow to have a counter, and actually trigger the flow only when the conditions have been met continuously over a preset number of time ?
If I get you right, something like this should get it started?
(Logics) A variable [[YourCounterVar]] changed
(Logics) Variable [[YourCounterVar]] is equal to 5
(Chronograph) Start or replace timer ‘Network’ with running time of 5 minutes
(Chronograph) Timer ‘Network’ has finished
(Logics) Variable [[YourCounterVar]] is equal to 5
Do something
then decrement (variable). If (variable) <= 0 then (variable) = 0
Flow 3
when (variable) > (threshold) then trigger action
the idea is to eliminate false positives, where sometimes some conditions may be met (such as “device is not reachable”) just because the network is flapping.
Then I would like that the condition is met 2 or 3 times in a row before triggering the flow action