Hi Hege,
I contacted Homey support about this, below is their response. In summary, the error seems to be on the Homey side.
I had bridge but is now using Pro. I have experienced the same error on both devices, so not specific to bridge.
Bas (Athom)
Jan 21, 2022, 15:23 GMT+1
Good afternoon,
Thank you for reporting this issue, and our apologies for your inconvenience!
This issue is already reported by other users and Development is working hard to fix this issue. It seems Ikea has given some new firmware updates to some devices which causes this behaviour with the Ikea app for Homey.
We hope to resolve this problem as soon as possible.
I hope this answers your question and that your issue will be resolved in the very near future, which is why I’m closing your ticket. If you need additional support, please feel free to re-open your ticket by answering this email.
I wish you a great day and a lot of fun with Homey!
Best Regards,
The Athom support team.