TileDash - an Homey dashboard

Hello Sebyldino,

I have a few further questions.

  • How can I update to version V5.0 in a simple way? What files do I need to overwrite?
  • My thermostat is the Google nest. Some values do not work.
  • onOffCapabilityID: “nest_thermostat_mode” is heat or off
  • heatingCapabilityID: “nest_thermostat_hvac” is off or heating
  • there is also an ECO mode, it would be nice to have an on/off button for that too (nest_thermostat_eco true, false)
  • there is also a humidity function, could the tile report that too?

It would be nice we could also add graphs from the ‘Insights’ of an app to be viewed in a ‘box’.
This could be donde using the web API from the developer tools.

You could use this tool: Micro Web Server App voor Homey | Homey
Using teh webapi Homey Developer Tools you could get data and post it.
Or maybe somehouw we could just use the link directly?