The new Homey Pro — Ask Me Anything

Does anyone else have issues when inviting other people to their Homey? I just set up my new Homey Pro 2023 and everything works perfect, except that I can’t invite my girlfriend to the new Homey. The invitation link doesn’t do anything when she clicks on it. It just opens the Homey app were you can set-up a new Homey (see screenshot). We are both on the newest beta version of the app (7.0.3). I tried the usual like making a new invitation link and reinstalling the app. Is there anything else I can do or is this a known issue?

Do you use something like pihole or adguard?

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Yes I do, Adguard was the problem. I turned it off and the invite worked again. Thanks!

I am sure it has been discussed, but since the terms are so common searching became impossible for them :frowning:
So The new local API key in the pro 2023, and the homey-api npm package, this would allow someone to build a nice ‘add devices from a 2023 to an old pro’ app right? That would allow people to reuse the old hardware and the non supported features of it as a sattelite (add the ‘clone’ of the homey 2023 device and use its status checks to trigger flows on the old one.
Is someone already busy with this, is it going to be part of the homey device class (next to ir and z-wave etc)?
If not I might spend some time on it once I test my apps on my just received pro 2023.

And if so, will Homey allow that app to be published?

Have a look at these community apps, that’s probably what you are looking for:


I am testing a yet unpuublished app I wrote for the Tydom bridge v1 on the HP23.
I get a weird error, but only when it runs after I installed the app.

write EPROTO 1020518117F00000:error:0A000152:SSL routins:final_renegotiate:unsafe legacy renegation diasbled:…/deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/statem/extensions.c:922:

So when I run the app in debug mode it all works.
I am very confident it is related to the


part of my code. I need this because the local API runs on a self signed certificate.
Is there a new way of allowing this?

Better post this in developer area.

I used this parameter in the past using the NodeJS https module. Perhaps that helps. But it depends on your used http module.

      rejectUnauthorized: false,

The issue doesn’t seem to be pointing to a self-signed certificate issue but to an outdated TLS/SSL implementation.

See this post on StackOverflow on how to (possibly) fix this. The answer relates to axios, but the relevant part is using a custom https.Agent, which should work with most other HTTP(S) implementations for Node.js.

I try to add some matter devices to Homey but it says I need Homey app version 7.1 or higher. I am in the beta app program for a long time but not able to update to that app version. Anyone an idea how to get the app version?

Strange, you shall get it as update then, assuming you are on Android… sadly there is no 7.1 apk for download. Maybe try to leave beta and join back (I hope it’s still open:-) )

It isn’t there for Android

Just installed it (to see if there’s version number issues somewhere)

I reached out on Slack to Bouke and Herman for this

Strange…so maybe they removed it?

Try leaving and re-entering the beta channel

Hmmmm… you noticed this?
v7.0.3 was last updated @ june 9th
v7.1.0 was last updated @ june 5th
Seems odd.

Leaving and joining beta did not make a difference.
I also killed the store app & cleared cache, but no v7.1.x
It’s still v7.0.3

I’ll try completely removing the app and restart phone now…
Update: This did not make any difference

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On iOS the app is version 7.1.0

If you are quick you can click on continue

But nothing will be added

I had this yesterday.
Logged out off the app and removed the Homey app on the device witch i invited.
Reinstalled the app, Logged in and than clicked on the invitation link again and it worked wihout a problem

Perhaps it’s just for you, I also got android and have had it for some time now.

And from inside the app.

I’m also part of the beta releases.
So perhaps try like Sharkys suggested to leave the beta and rejoin it.

I’m also on the beta (and Android) but the app version is still
Maybe a phased rollout?
