The new Homey Pro — Ask Me Anything

So in preparation for receiving my new Homey Pro probably in the next 3-4 weeks (right?), I’ve ordered two Homey Bridges that will run in satellite mode.

I ran into issues with my current Pro a long time ago, where I just couldn’t add all the apps I wanted and have a steady (mainly) Zigbee network. Free Mem was about 2% :sweat_smile:.
Almost everything is now connected in my house, but due to the hardware limitations, I was forced to move part of the integration to HomeAssistant which works well.

Curious to learn about the experiences some of the devs probably have now that they have received their units?

Under NDA, apparently.

And only hand picked developers. The community developer maybe getting a shipping notification end of this week or mid next week.

(23.01.2022 on Homey Community Slack)

Hmmm ok. So a 2 week delay with this step. Fingers crossed indeed.

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Finally :slight_smile:


For people curious, this included orders for people who live in other zwave regions.

Post will take a little longer but my is scheduled to arrive in australia with in the week.


Good to see you’re not forgotten down there!

I think I read somewhere that flows can be filter based on the underlying Homey hardware. Could anyone point me to the documentation of that?

I hope it is the right forum,

I have a problem with the setup of my HP2023. When I should select the “WiFi network” in the setup, then the HomeySetup network does not find. I tried it everywhere UG/OG with different AP’s, with different devices iPhone 13 mini, MacBook, iPad even with different versions (16.3, 15.7.3) nothing worked, no HomeySetup network found !!!

The only thing I have not done is a reset but there I’m not so sure if that’s good.

Does anyone have the same problems ?


The new Homey Pro (early 2023) doesn’t expose a Wifi Point to connect to, just follow the instructions you received with your new Homey Pro (early 2023) (inside the box), follow that link in that extra letter etc on how to get the new mobile app and the google doc to sign.

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That’s what I’m doing…

Connect the Homey Pro to the power outlet and wait until the ring is blue.

Start the Homey 7.0 App (Testflight) put the iPhone next to the Homey Pro connect it with him (ring green) and then comes the Wi-Fi Network Screen without HomeySetup.

So everything as described …

Just select the network that HP needs to connect to.

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Robert thank you…

That has changed in the setup between the old and the new Homey Pro. You no longer have to register the HomeySetup network first, but you can directly register the Puck to the WLAN…

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Hello, is it possible to download the Homey 7.0 app? I am curious and want to test it out!

I only see 6.11.13 and older in TestFlight…

Maybe there’s a new TestFlight group?

@prosumer If you received your Homey Pro Early 2023 contact Athom as noted in your box.

There are indeed different beta groups, this one is only for the Early Access at the moment.


200 zigbee devices (if they have a good quality)
And yes, u ll be able to use the cloud backup to get flows and devices to the new homey pro. But… They r still busy with the zigbee part. Probably only need to repair zigbee devices.

There is a distinction between re-pair and repair, and as has been discussed further up, it seems likely that to migrate to the new Homey Pro, one will have to re-pair all Zigbee devices. That will be painful, because in many cases it means opening up wall boxes to get access to a button on the device itself.

Not looking forward to that…

From the latest update, they’ll start shipping out to the first few thousand orders in February.
What order numbers are we talking here? Anyone know?

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