The "Forgot my laptop" flow

I switched at work from my desktop to a laptop (windows surface 7 laptop). Great, now I can take it home. Not so great, I keep forgetting it in the morning on my way to work :'-).

I understand how I could setup a flow on each week-day when I forget said device. However, how would one track if said device is actually still in the house while my geo fencing on the phone has left the street?

Are there special devices for this or maybe windows laptop can continuously also give its location while it has battery power?

Just put an Apple Airtag or another tracker in your laptop bag, that’s probably the easiest solution.


Give your laptop a fixed ip-address and you can use it as a person. (Just like a phone)
If it’s a workday and you are gone and this “person” is not send message.


Most solutions would only work when your laptop is ON.

Like @Chris_nl said, put a tracker in the bag…
(and don’t blame us if you arrive at work with an empty bag :laughing: )

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You’re right if the laptop has not been on at home , then Homey doesn’t know it is home.
In that case a tracker is better.

Worse, if it’s off Homey doesn’t know if you took it with you or not…


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Yeah ive been thinking about this as well. Its a nice laptop and I hate cases etc. So an apple tag or something might be best, but looks terrible.

I guess at least with the tag I can easilly create flows to alert me.

Open up your laptop, stick the tag somewhere with some doublesides tape and close the laptop again.
Nowadays you might have some space in the HDD compartment if your laptop has a M.2 disk

Hah thats a good one. Ill have a look. Thing is its esthetically a nice laptop. Messing that up isnt great. Kind of hoped Windows would learn something from iphone and make these things a default on these devices.

What brand and model do you have ?

I open these things for a living… (replace mainboards in about 45-60 minutes)