The flow with i million thenssss

Khmm :wink:


// Get all devices
const devices = await Homey.devices.getDevices();

// Initiate the message string as empty
let openrooms = [];

// The counter of open windows
let count = 0;

// Text message, if it required
let message = "";;

// Regexp to find out all the interesting windows 
const regexWindow = new RegExp('^window', 'i');

// Loop over all devices
for (const device of Object.values(devices)) {
  if ( device.class == 'sensor' || device.virtualClass == 'sensor'){  // The device is a sensor

    if ( regexWindow.test( ){ // Device name starts with "window..."
        // Remember there the '' value and use it in quicker script to loop over only the interesting sensors
        if ( device.capabilitiesObj.alarm_contact.value){ // So, was the contact alarm there
			count ++;
			if ( ! (openrooms.includes(device.zoneName)) ){ openrooms.push(device.zoneName); }
			if ( openrooms.length > 8 ) { return "More than "+count+" windows in "+openrooms.length+" rooms are open!"; }			

if ( count === 0 ) { return "All windows closed"; }
if ( count === 1 ) { return "The window in "+openrooms[0]+" is opened"; }

message = "There are "+count+" windows in ";

openrooms.forEach(room => message += room+" ");
message += " opened";

return message;