The daily usage from Homey 2019 has risen to an average of 25 GB,

Hello. Our Homey from 2018, which we’ve always been very satisfied with and has become indispensable, has shown a noticeable increase in data usage since November 15. The daily usage has risen to an average of 25 GB, whereas it normally never exceeded 2 GB per day. Has anyone experienced something similar? And what can I do to address this issue? All tips and help are greatly appreciated!

I also have a Homey (non pro) from 2018 and i don’t think i’m having any weird behaviour going on.

Admitted, since i now a days only use Homey as an antenna (433mhz and Z-Wave) i don’t know if i’m the right person / usercase to compare to but my data usage is very low and stable.

In 65 days and 6 hours it transferred a total of 292mb up and 475mb down.
That must be communication between Homey and Homeassistent because i rarely really use the Homey app anymore.