Tesla Gateway 2

Does anyone have any experience in connecting to the Telstra Gateway using the Tesla Energy App?
I haven’t been able to connect so far and I’m not sure on how best to validate the IP Address I’ve been given, or what credentials to use to login in to the gateway. Are they the same credentials created for the Tesla Monitorinf App or new ones that need to be registered.

@Diederik would you be able to help. I enter the ip address, the the userid/pw for the Tesla monitoring app. I keep getting timeout after
30000 ms

I have now worked out the IP Address and password mystery, but now when I try and add the gateway device I get an error. “Empty ‘data! Property”

Has anyone had this error before.
Does anyone use the Tesla Energy App?

I have raised an issue on GitHub but am not gett8ng a response. I know @Diederik has updated the App to SDK3 so I’m assuming he is active.
Could really do with some help here if anyone is able to.

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Same for me… ;(

Same for me…
Waiting a fix, i create a homeyscript for get data and pass they a custom capability device

It was fixed on Github, you can deploy your own local version of the app from there.

The fix is under review with Athom, will be in the store soon. Until then: Tesla Energy | Homey


The IP address for my gateway changed yesterday.

Should I remove it and re-add, or is there a way to sign out and log back in to the gateway with a different IP Address?
