Tesla energy help

Hi, looking for anyone who has succefully paired their Tesla power wall with homey. I have the Tesla power app but can’t get it to connect even with the Ip address and passwords.

Any help is appreciated

@Diederik - I am having the same problem. I’m sure I have the IP Address of the gateway correct and am using the username password that was set up for my Tesla gateway monitor. Is there something I’m missing?

Same for me.

I managed to get it working, I had to log into my router and make the IP static, it kept changing the ip so the one homey had wasn’t right. been working for am month now no issue

I have to make my ip address static as well. Just have to work out how with the router I have.
I ended up being able to login. I found out that the password I had to use was the last 5 characters of the password printed on the front of the gateway.
My issue now is that I don’t have the user rights I need to access the gateway API”s.
The developer of the app asked my to enter the following command.
https://[tesla_gateway_ip]/api/meters/aggregates? To see what response I got.
I recvd the response
{“code”:403,“error”:“Unable to GET to resource”,“message”:“User does not have adequate access rights”}

I”m not sure where to go from here. I have been in contact with Tesla but they don’t seem interested in helping.

I connect to my tesla on ip webpage.
I reset my psw and connect in.
I change the ETH IP from DHCP to STATIC.
Now im able to connect in HOMEY but when i arrived to last step, i got an error " [Empty ‘data’ property"] ".
Little step forward but i think the issue is related to the new version of the TESLA software.
Need to update data adding an ID on device.

@Diederik Have posted on Github with one other re this request, asking about the possibility of updating the App to include a Flowcard to indentify when a car is being charged on the Wall Charger. Happy to contribute again to help make this happen.

@Diederik I don’t seem to be able to log in to the Gateway anymore. I have a feeling that it has something to do with Tesla moving to the Tesla One App. I get this error.

Update - all OK Diederik. It was my network connection.