Tag with (parent) Flowname?

When starting a flow from a flow :

Is the a tag available that shows from which flow the flow is started ?

Or is there a tag that just shows the current flowname (so I can put that in a variable?)

Not that I know of, Johan.
It’s one of the weird Homey quirks imho.

You can add a note, or a Flow Notes card, mentioning the trigger flow’s name.
You can also add Simple Log cards, mentioning the trigger flow’s name

Of course you can use the ‘start flow with text tag’, but when you change the contents of the text in Flow A one day, Flow B won’t start.
So, add a warning card to get notified

Flow A

Flow B


I was more hopeing for something like

InitiatingFlow :

THEN start flow CheckFlow with someargument

CheckFlow :

THEN ‘do something with someargument’
THEN Append #date ; #time ; #Parentflow ; Something is executed

That would result in :

08-01-2025 10:53 InitiatingFlow Something is executed