A TAG with who started the flow


I wonder if its possible to know who started a flow so the flow can send a push-message to the person?

Nope, is not yet possible.

To bad

Yes, use the Device Capabilities App: Apparaat mogelijkheden App voor Homey | Homey

You can simulate all capabilitie changes values as triggers (When card) and get the user and client (app) that executed/started the trigger.

Use the Watch/listener When card.

If you are missing what you are looking for, let me know, i will add it to the app.

Im not able to start the flow with that card by hand.

And then the then card push-message(not sure of the name in english) dont have the possibility to use tags as input for the user field anyway.

Could you describe what you are trying to achive?
What is the trigger (when card) you want to know who triggered it?

I can see if i can create the flow or implement it in the app.

I also have build a Then card (in Test/review) that will retrieve the LOG from [numberof] minutes ago, which you can use to get user/client.

But please share your wish somewhat more, maybe a printscreen of the flow you tried to create?

I just want to a user to be able to start a flow as a favorite on my phone, and a want the flow to send a push message with a question to the user who started the flow

I guess the only way i see that being possible, is to duplicate the flow for every user that there is, so every one has it’s own favorite flow to start: That is the only way to know who started a favorite flow, have each user have it’s own unique (starting) flow in which you always knows who started it.

I could make it an advanced flow and take the #user-tag and depending on the #user tag send to difrent persons.
But I need a start-card thats just a start-card like “this flow have started”

would it be possible to make a when-card like that?

Hey JanRikard,

No, i cannot create a card like “this flow has started” with user that you can have as shortcut on your phone.
What you need is the next bit, assuming the following:

  • You want a shortcut on your phone, when you press it you get a question/push.
  • You also want a shortcut on your wive’s phone, when she presses it, she gets a question/push.

For this you need the following:
Firstly, create a flow with a trigger “Flow has start with Text Tag”, in which you create the flow which is gonna be executed for both persons, with the Name in the Starttag:

Now you create two more flows (one could be placed within the above one, but ill keep it simple and create two separate flows), the flows that are gonne be yours and Karin’s favorite/shortcut on the phone:
Favorite flow for Rikard(s mobile).

Favorite flow for Karin(s mobile).

Probably you will want to act on the Push-question-response, here is an example how you could use it:
(Replacement of the first image)

If you need the User and Response tag both, you need Advanced Triggers App voor Homey | Homey

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Thanks, that will work


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Is this available in English?