Where can I find a comprehensive log of what and when Homey Pro does something, for example in terms of starting and stopping flows, etc.?
I have a number of flows for the heat pump in terms of temperature, electricity prices, presence, etc., but it is difficult to see how well it works without some kind of log.
Maybe this app will help: Flow Checker App for Homey | Homey
I have that app, but I think it can only tell me if there is something wrong with a Flow, if a Flow is disabled, etc.
Homey doesn’t have any comprehensive logs. You can use certain apps to add logging steps to flows, but there are no (accessible) system logs of any kind.
Thanks for the reply, then I don’t have to search anymore , but this is actually quite incredible. A system that is completely set up for you to find out and set up all possible flows and parameters yourself, but then they do not offer a log. This should be a essensiell thing. At least I think so. Really hope they do something about that soon, but realise that might be to optimistic.
Have a look at Audit. It shows quite a few actions and changes. Probably not exactly what you are looking for but something in that direction.
Another idea is to add Simple Log app cards to flows you’d like to monitor/log.
It even has a script to add log cards to selected or any flow(s), and you can select if you want these types added: trigger (When) condition (And), action (Then) and error.
The aforementioned Audit app is great as well, no flow cards needed. But it’s WIP or “as is” at the moment, and might not run stable on your particular Homey.
It works great on my not-so-busy test Pro 2019, but it crashes on my other very busy Pro 19.