[SupportRequest] TP-Link Tapo - Smart plugs, energy monitoring

I bought some Tapo TP-Link P110 smart plugs, mainly to use for energy monitoring but I have been unable to get the energy monitoring working with Homey, I can see and control the switch but nothing shows up for the energy. I can see the energy usage in the Tapo app, but that only gives me an update of the energy being used right then, plus a daily figure, I was hoping to get a proper graph of usage in Homey Insights.

Does anyone have any suggestions, possibly certain brands use different methods for the energy monitoring and not all are compatible with Homey?

I am currently using the “TP-Link Smart Devices” app in Homey, as there only seemed to be a choice of that one or one designed for a specific brand of TP-Link devices that required an account with that brand.

Alternatively, can anyone recommend some energy monitoring smart plugs for the UK that work correctly with Homey, including insights? Don’t care which protocol they use, and the cheaper the better!


The App TP-Link Kasa Smart App for Homey | Homey is from Athom for Homey for the Official TP-Link Kasa Cloud connection.

For Homey Pro you can also use the community developed app TP-Link Smart Devices App for Homey | Homey

but both don’t support the TAPO / P110,
you should Ask TP-Link (Support | TP-Link) (or Athom) to provide support for them.

Just look in the App store first before you buy something, there is a variety from many other Brands (fe NEO, Fibaro) working.

Beside waiting for an App, please Contact TP-Link (Support | TP-Link) to provide Support for Matter* (Matter | TP-Link ) as an alternative to the Homey Apps.

*only available form Homey Pro (Early 2023)

Hello group

I have just purchased two new TP Link Tapo P-100 smart plugs and they do not seem to be detected in the TP-Link homey app.

Is there a compatible app or is anyone adding them to TP-Link please?


@jpmbosco, did you get this P100 working with homey?

Can we get support for Tp-link Tapo P100 and related products please? I am new to Homey (Homey Pro 2023). The Tapo P100 are popular here and in Australia and having seen support for TP-link products I assumed they would be supported, it is disappointing that they aren’t. Thanks

@Melanie_Brown, I am working on the integration as we speak :slight_smile:

might also want to watch the test version

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Incredible - any update on the P100 integration?

For P100 devices you can use P110 driver if I remember correctly.

Before, I used Nodered on my NAS/Docker to get power and energy data directly from 6 Tapo P110 devices (so not via the TP-link cloud). After a firmware update that was not possible anymore.

Meanwhile an open source Python module was developed to get power and energy exports (.xls) from the devices. I use this now to get daily data via a Python script on my NAS. I am not aware of any method to get high granularity power of energy readings from the device.

I suspect TP-link that they did the firmware update to switch off the possibility of direct access to the plugs for getting energy data.

Meanwhile they issued the P110M based on Matter. That device is more than 2 times as expensive and I don’t know if there are methods to get live data with the systems that I have. Any experiences with that are welcome.

My advice to P110 owners: de-select the option for automatic firmware updates. Accept updates only if you know that new firmware offers the functionality that you use. Reserve one device for testing that.

It would be great if someone could develop a way to access the P110 on Homey in a way similar to that used in the Python module.