Smartplugs that work with Homey Pro


I am new to Homey Pro and so far I really like it. Since I want to add devices to Flows that don’t have smart functions onboard I want to use smart plugs for that.
I already tested the Hue one and it works like a charm.
Since I need around 5 plugs this is going to be pretty expensive.

As far as I know Tapo/TP Link don’t work in Homey Pro, nor the Humble ones.
Does anybody have a good idea which Smart Plugs work with Homey pro and aren’t as expensive as the Hue ones.

Kind regards


Blitzzwolf sph 13


At least any zigbee plug should work for the OnOff part. Nothing more (like power measuring). Just add a new device, hit HOMEY and hit ZIGBEE, follow on screen instructions.
It’s also gear on live power, keep that in mind (put a smoke sensor above them :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )

But keep in mind you also build your zigbee mesh network with mains powered zigbee devices. When it appears to be ‘too cheap ass’ you also can suffer from a lousy zigbee mesh. Just my 2cts

I use these ones (10 pcs), they are quite cheap (now about €47 for 5 pcs) and work like a charm:

For Z-wave i use the same brand (got around 30 of them)

I have the Aeotec smart plug, and that works fine with my Homey pro 2023.
I haven’t done a huge amount of fiddling around with it but it worked fine to control a lamp in a test situation.

I’m using 3 or 4 of them to control heated towel rails. Not the cheapest option probably but…

Cheers, Gray.

Aquara plugs (Zigbee) has worked as a charm for me. cost about 30€ and has energy meetering.

Tapo P110M with energy Monitoring and are Matter over wifi. Very reliable and a good price. On offer quite often too

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Lukasz 1 PCS Tuya Zigbee Smart Socket Home Powers Monitor Powers Outlet 16A Smart Life Voice Control Alexa Timing UK Plug

These have power metering and work with tuya ziggbe app( test version)

Do these Tuya Zigbee plugs have energy metering in Homey?

Yes, they have

I use aqara and third reality (Zigbee) and fibaro (Z-Wave), no problems

I’ve some TNCE Tuya Wifi/zigbee smart socket eu plug 16/20A . works fine with smart life . today I installed the homey pro . and Iam not able to get them in Homey Pro :frowning: . somebody Advice ?

Will these work with homet and register energy metering ?

Its working with smart life. When pluggin the devices, I can add it to the smart life app . also it is connected to my wifi ( as I need to give the wifi information to access ) .
I see the smart sockets onto my wif ( see below ) .

Can’t I get controle via wifi to these devices ?

I’ve added the Tuya Zigbee app in Homey pro . But whan I want to connect a new smart Socket its not comming up :-(.

Does somebody have some advice ?

These are WiFI devices. So they are not controllable via the Zigbee app…
You need to use the Tuya Cloud app for these devices.



create account for the devloper . created the project . linked smartlife with the qr code . 5 devices are avaiable in the cloud . installed the tuya cloud application and used the correct configuration . (no error ) restarted the services as requested . when trying to add devices, its mentioning there is no devices . Do I mis something ?

IKEA “Inspelning” and/or “Tretakt” are working fine.
The newer “Inspelning” has power monitoring as well.

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Which only works with the latest firmware for that device (and you can’t update the firmware with Homey).

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I’m disappointed by Tapo and their ‘official’ app. I’m using the TP115 with energy monitoring.

I bought Tapo because it had official support, but I think lots of community apps work better. I wanted to use the energy metering to give me a notification when my coffee machine is heated (this takes about 20 minutes). There are two possible values:

-Total energy usage over past 24 hours
-Current energy usage

The Total energy usage only gives a value about once per hour (=Tapo problem), where the current energy usage doesn’t update in Homey at all. I’ve been in contact with the developer, but he can’t fix it because of limitation to the Tapo Api.

All in all: Don’t buy Tapo for energy monitoring!

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