Suddenly I can't log on. Help!

I came to log on via my android phone and it announced ‘Cannot connect to Homey Pro.’ after months of successful use. I have had a problem with my Virgin hub, although virgin failed to say what the problem was, just that it is fixed.
Any ideas how to get the connection working? A further clue is that all my Tuya devices have gone off line too. I don’t know where to begin!

Whilst quite peculiar, Virgin seems to be able to mess up your wifi, and it seems they did by factory resetting your hub. But it’s just guessing.

It seems Homey’s connection to your router is lost, when Tuya devices are offline as well.

It would really help if you’re a bit more specific
Pro 23 or Pro 201x?
About the wifi:
Did the SSID change, or the login credentials?

To reconnect Homey with your wifi:

On Tuesday morning I was surprised to find my Tuya blinds not opening. Investigation showed them all to be offline. Shortly after that I went to Homey Pro-UK-3 on my Android phone and found that it gave the screen on the image below after briefly flashing up the Homay home page,. Investigation of the ISP showed they had been working overnight doing something on the service, but I don’t know what. I spent the rest of the day investigating what I could of the ISP and ended up with a standard form saying ‘there’s something wrong, come and check in 21 hours.
21 hours later the ISP diagnostics showed a clear bill of health so I spent most of the time trying to get the App and desktop and Tuya to all work, but with no success. This included noting that the wireless 5GHz which I know for a fact was off, had resurrected, presumably by the ISP. No change of SSID or any other credentials. Despite all this work I am unable to get the Tuya, and two flavours of Homey to work, they are exactly as they were. It makes me think that the problem might not be caused by Wi-Fi, but some other issue, maybe a bug. I don’t have enough knowledge to go any further, so I’m dependant on you good people for ideas for a way forward.
Thank you for your interest, I’m badly out of my depth here!

Hi Julian,
I missed the part you reconnected Homey to your wifi?
I think only then you can be sure it’s connected properly.

Hi Peter
Confirm we have a Pro 2023 Homey.
The logon on my PC worked this morning but said Homey was offline ‘Retry’.
I followed your instruction to push a pin in the bottom. We have now got a pulsing blue ring but the PC still says Homey is offline.
Any ideas what to try next?

Problem solved! Thanks for all your help Peter, The Virgin Hub was factory reset without notice as you suggested. Just to further complicate matters the SSID and PW were similar but not the same as the previous ones! Now I have to get the Tuya devices to switch to the new credentials.

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