Strange behaviour Philips Hue

Peter (Athom)

3 Nov 2023 14:45 CET

Hello Robin,

Thanks for contacting support.

Nice to hear you are excited about the Matter integration you can use on Homey Pro 2023. Please note that Matter on Homey Pro is still in Beta and that the Matter standard itself still has very limited functionality (for example, there is no power measurement standard in Matter at the moment).

You have to compare your integration now running through Matter to a Zigbee device for which there is no official app on Homey, it will also be treated as a Basic Zigbee device and only work according to a few standard commands. That’s pretty similar to the current state of Matter. So more extensive options like dim over x time and turn on at this dim level are not there (yet). So currently there is also no option to run custom capabilities through Matter (Matter apps on Homey), this is one of the reasons why Matter integration is currently even more limited than integration through the Hue app. So custom capabilities like the groups and such cannot be used yet.

We are currently working on the Hue app though to make sure that all sensors and lights are more responsive, so you may want to keep an eye on the Hue app when this update is released. Maybe this will solve your biggest problems with the current Hue app for you.

Also, the Matter integration on Homey Pro is still getting better and better and the Matter standard itself will also get more extensive, so you should see the current Matter integration purely as the beginning, this will get bigger and more extensive with time especially when Thread will also come soon. So you are right that Matter is currently more limited than the other implementations (it is still in Beta for a reason). But so this will definitely continue to be developed and expanded to at least equal the other integrations such as Z-wave and Zigbee .

I hope this answers your question to your satisfaction, so I will close your ticket now. Should you need additional support you can reopen your ticket by replying to this email.

I wish you a good day and lots of fun with Homey!

Kind regards,

Best Regards,


( the answer was in Dutch so i translate it)

This is what i had as answer from Athom, today the hue zigbee app has updated, no idea if this was the update peter was talking about.

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