Store date and time to variable

Hi all,

Is there any way we could store the current date and time to a variable? Both internal homey logic and the better logic app only seem to have boolean, string and number types.

I have the Siemens/Bosch washer but they did not get home automation at all. I would have wanted to ask a google mini “Ok google, how long will the washer still take” so it could answer the time left, but that is not going to happen.

They only have a “A program finished” event, not even a “A program started” event. If they did that and also presented the time that program would run I could do a lot more.

But what I want to do now is write the date/time the program finished to a variable and then, if google asked “When did the washed finish” it would Google TTS back the date and time the last program finished. If it is way in the past we can assume it is still running, if it is a couple of minutes ago it probably finished.

But how to do this? I can’t seem to store the current date/time into the variable. Would be best if it could write it down as text so I could use that variable back in my Google TTS result as a token result.

Search this forum for “washingmachine” there maybe usefull information!

For the logic part I found these tags. Did not try them, but maybe this helps. Also I think every programs has a certain time, you could use that with countdown timers.

Those seem to work with a vibration sensor. I have the program finished event already from the dishwasher, now need to register the date/time that this event fired.

Tnx Marcel, think they did think it though on the dishwasher, this would be exactly what I need. But unfortunately this is not available on the washer (wasmachine).

Oops, reading is much more difficult than I thought🙃


You can (as @RoyWissenburg already said) put Date/Time to a text variable and play that whenever you want.

Ah, sometimes it can be that simple! Did not realise that we had the date and time tags available. This is great, tnx!