Stop IKEA Fyrtur blinds with remote

Yes, this is how it works :person_shrugging:

I have the remote connected to homey and it’s works out of the box without any setting……

The 44% is in my case the bottom of the window otherwise the motor will stop too late and the ropes will unwind too much. Would be nice too have that option in the advanced options of the specific blind. Where can I contact the developer of the IKEA app?

@MrG And there is no option with the IKEA blinds that you can calibrate the devices with the maximum of opening the device?
If not, everyone has to buy a different device with all different lengths of the roller because not everyone needs exactly 1,13m in length?

Yes there is, @DirkG even posted a picture on how to set the maximum length in this post. You set it by double-pressing a button on the blind.


Hi, thanks for the replies! It’s my wrong I did oversee the setting of the maximum length to set at the blend itself by quick press the down button twice at the preferred length :+1:t2:

Problem solved.

If the roller blind and the up/down button have been added in Homey and they aren’t connected in any way, then it’s not possible.
In Homey, the roller blind and the up/down button are two independent devices that basically don’t even know that the other device exists.

But I’m happy to be enlightened if I’ve overlooked something and am wrong.

With ikea you can directly connect remotes/sensors with lights and blinds without an external zigbee hub. And you can also connect it to the hub or homey. Found this one out by accident, installed a ikea GU10 spot and a motion sensor directly after each other and without any flows the light went on when there was movement :joy: Took me a while before i understood wtf was happening :sweat_smile:

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Thanks @Glenn_Seegers for the clarification.
That was what I assumed (Post #21), but I didn’t know that the Zigbee devices are paired with each other and with Homey at the same time.
After a bit researching I found even a Homey support article about this: