Spotify app requires premium?

Hi there,

Trying to create some flows that launch or play songs on my soundbar through the spotify homey app.
Whatever I try (simple example below), I get the following error message;

Does it mean it requires spotify premium or is there an issue with homey premium? (I should have homey premium.)
Any people who could confirm from experience?

Yes. To use the Spotify API, you need to have a premium membership.

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Spotify Premium that is.

Hello, When I create a macro with spotify premium apk and try to search for a song, playlist, or album, I get the message “search failed (Spotify Premium required),” even though the account I’m using is part of a Spotify Premium Family plan. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Are you sure this is Homey related? Can’t create macros here…
I only can select and start playlists (no songs or albums), and there’s no errors about ‘premium’ things?