Sparegris App spørsmål

Er det mulig å gå inn å sjekke prisene for kommende døgn i Sparegris app-en?

Hva er definisjonen på grisedyrt, dyrt, normalt billig og grisebillig i Sparegris appen?

Finnes det en brukerveiledning for Sparegris appen?

First of all, welcome to the Homey Community!

To make sure you are aware of the forum rules, please read the Welcome to the forum! post here.

If you could please keep the conversation in English as much as possible, then more people will be able to participate and help you. If you would rather not or can’t communicate in English then please check out Non-English boards/categories:

Dansk (Danish)
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Nederlands (Dutch)
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Polskie (Polish)
Svenska (Swedish)

Moved to Norwegian category.

Har ikke testet eller kjenner til Sparegris appen, men har lastet inn noe som heter “Power by the hour”, med den kan du sette opp alt mulig. Også lager du bare flows ut ifra det.

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