Smoke detectors

:heart:.Smoke detectors

I have installed a number of smoke detectors and linked them to my Homey pro 2023.
Now I get messages (when I test a smoke detector) like this; “Smocke detected & No more smoke detected” with a black heart as a symbol. But I haven’t set up push notifications yet. where do the notifications come from and where can I edit them?

Thanks for contributing ideas

These are automatic Timeline and/or Push notifications and they are not editable.
It’s possible to enable/disable them.
Smartphone app: Start/Home → Timeline → ●●● → 🩶 Safety → Timeline/Push-Notification
WebApp: :gear: → Timeline → 🩶 Safety

But of course it’s possible to create your own Timeline and/or Push-Notifications via flows.

– (Alarm) of any device switched on (Alarm is a drop-down field, select smoke alarm)
– Timeline-Notification and/or Push-Notification (with your own text).

If you use the tags :label:, provided by the alarm flow card, within the notification, further information can be shown (alarm type, device, zone).


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Thanx very much!!