Smart switches question

In a few months we are moving to a new home and I’m planning to install some smart dimmers (or switches).
I would like to install dimmers/switches with two or three buttons, with the following functionalities:

  • Button 1: switch or dim wired connected lamps (dim/on/off) (and start a flow in Homey/switchable by Homey)
    This way I can still switch my lamps whenever Homey is offline for whatever reason.

  • Button 2/3: start a 2nd/3rd flow in Homey.

Does anyone here have suggestions what type of dimmer/switch to use?

Fibaro Dimmer2 or Shelly Dimmer can do this.

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Thanks @PascalB, I’ve bought a Shelly to experiment with. Other suggestions are still very welcome!

I use dimmers all over my house. Work without the blue wire.

Als ik de site zo bekijk ziet dat eruit als zelfbouwprojectjes, of heb ik het mis @Peter_de_Vos? Dat wordt mij al snel te ingewikkeld ben ik bang, ik houd het graag simpel. :wink:

Excuses. Wrong link: Z-Wave.Me App voor Homey | Homey

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@Peter_de_Vos that looks more interesting to me! I’ll look into it!

@PascalB, the Shelly works great! Thanks!

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