Smart dimmer switch products that works with homey?

Can I anyone suggest a reliable smart dimmer switch products that works with homey?

Thank you

Fibaro dimmer 2.
Certainly not the cheapest. But these have never let me down. I have 4 of these active in my house. No problems at all.

Thanks. Do they do something like this? Lightwave 1 Gang Smart Dimmer Switch - Stainless Steel

I couldn’t find it in UK!

They go behind your current light switches and work best with momentary buttons.

Though honestly 90% of the dimming I now do is via flow/app and they will work with a ‘normal’ button.

If your looking for a more integrated solution Fibaro announced a full set of buttons at CES.

I have the same question. Not as easy as it seems! Ive looked, but couldnt find a youtube video / schema comparing and grading a wide range of these. That would be ideal. For me price is not the main issue, but reliability. Another wants certain integrations, another price, and so on. so something like that would be awesome.

I found such a topic for instance on motion sensors before from homey themselves which was absolutely great to get an idea from an expert trough all the clutter of information: