Smart air conditioner homey compatible

Gents, I am looking for a solution to get rid of all radiators and gas, and get a smart solution compatible with homey pro.
Aircos and warmtepomp.
Any brands that any of you can recommend?

Hi Paulo,

It might help if you reveal in which country you live :wink:.
Also, when there’s a risk at freeze, I would not recommend using Homey as main controller, else make sure there’s some external anti-frost system in place.

Hi Peter, I live in the Netherlands. The homey requirement is there for homey flows to interact with other smart scenes I have. Cheers

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Hi Paulo,

I don’t own a Warmtepomp, so I don’t know about that. But I have two airco units in two rooms used to cool the room in summer and heat the room in winter (if there is any as I live in NL as well). I have the Mitsubishi SRK25ZS-W, with the WF-RAC WiFi modules. There is a Community app available (Mitsubishi (WF-RAC) App for Homey | Homey) what I use to control the airco units. Works like a charm.



Check out Daikin Ac units or heat pumps.
Fully integrated in Homey.

I use a Tado AC control (Slimme Aircobediening V3+) to control my Toshiba AC’s. Using the Tado AC device you can control many different brands of AC or air-to-air heat pumps. The Tado AC control integrates seamlessly into Homey by using the Tado App.