Simple notification flow. Doesn't work but can be triggered manually, why?

Hey Homeys!

I have this simple flow where I want to get a notification when the temperature in my fridge is above 5 °C. This is a screenshot of it:

I have had the temp sensor in room temperature so the temperature is now falling after I have placed the sensor in the fridge again but I don’t get any notifications when the temperature of the sensor is changing.

When I test the flow by clicking on the first cards “play button” I do get the notification. When am I missing here? :thinking:

After the first card make an extra notification with the temperature to test the flow.

Good idea Rob! :+1:

The 433 MHz-sensor protocol just froze…so I will have to do some tinkering before I can test that, but I will update when things are up and running again.

EDIT: no notification with the extra card efter the first one…so the “When temperature changes”-card is not working for some reason. I also have an identical flow for my freezer and it has the exact same issue.

Did the temperature actually change ? Test by takeing the tempsensor out of the fridge and wait till it goes over 5C…

if that doesn’t give a notification the sensor either isn’t noticing the change, or it’s not reported to Homey…

Oh, yes…I made sure of that.

I’m testing to delete the sensor and including it again to see what happens.

The thing is that I have been having major problems with the 433 MHz sensorsystem for weeks…so there might be issues with these specific sensors, which would be great! :grin:

EDIT: Deleting and reincluding the sensor did not make any difference. So I tested with another identical sensor and now it works! So maybe there is an issue with the sensor itself. It’s super weird though that both the fridge and de freezer sensors show the same issue. I will have to do more testing.

Also, why it would be great if this is a sensor issue I might have found the cause for my struggle with the 433 MHz sensor problems! :crossed_fingers:

Putting a sensor inside a metal box can reduce the signal range dramatically.

Absolutely…Faraday cage. Having 433 MHz sensors in fridges and freezers is a challenge…but it works. I think this is something else. I have sensors in two freezers and two fridges and that has worked for several years. Sure, Homey updates the values rather seldom but the whole system has been stable until some weeks ago.

So finding that one of them doesn’t work is the flow I’m describing in this thread is hopeful.

But…I’m not counting my chickens before they hatch. :grin:

Try a new battery?

I could not get it to work. But something told me to create a new flow from scratch…and lo and behold, now it works. I have no idea what caused the problem with the old flow.