[Simple] Lights turning on/off based on motion

For now i have made a flow that if i open the door the light turns on, countdown stops, and if i close the door, the countdown runs and the light turns of. If i open the door before the light turns of the countdown starts over. So this works fine.
But how can i add something that the light stays on by closing the door if i had turn the light on before opening and closing the door? By the Homey app or toggle switch. Wallswitch is a Fibaro 223. Double switch 2x1500…

I have a similar needs as you and with almost the same hardware. But my flow setup uses tags and segregation of flows but I hope this can give you the idea on how to do what you want -


Easy enough so far, when the garage is active turn everything on and start a timer for 10 minutes.


When the timer runs out - turn very thing off.


When I press the garage button - reset the timer which turns everything off to start counting down from 1 hour.


I also have a flow for when the switch is pressed twice - completely disable the timer. So the garage light doesn’t automatically turn off. This is similar to what you want to do.


But just in case I forget to turn it off - at 2am turn it off for me.

Rather then disable the timer I have been meaning to instead disable the flow if I double tap, and then reenable each night at 2am when it does the sanity check.

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Thank you, I will give it a try with my setup.

I use this flow for my lights in my house. It’s 2 flows instead of 3. Maybe it’s usefull for someone so i thought it’s nice to share.

It works perfect but if it is in any way incorrect, please tell me. :blush:

This is possible ofc. Only disavantage is that ur timer will be running as long as ur inside. The timer in the OP will only run when motion is stopped so will run way less then urs.

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Why would you turn on the light when it is already on?

I noticed this flaw a few months ago and corrected it. But thanks.

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I’ve tried to make the flows in TS. But when i want to create flow 2 of the tutorial, i dont see a option to “Start Countdown timer”.

I only see this:

Je kunt “ draai zandloper om” gebruiken. Wel eerst een timer aanmaken die je kunt omdraaien

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Like Frank says: use “draai zandloper om”.

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Thank you. I got the logic now. It got it working.

I have my “Eettafel lamp” turned on and off with countdown and a xiaomi motion sensor.

But i also have flows with the “Eettafel lamp” and a switch. Is it possible to not use the motion sensor with countdown when the switch has turns on the “Eettafel lamp”? Because when ur sitting at the dining table, the motion detector doesnt sees any motion. So the Eettafel lamp turns off after a while.

When button is pressed, then turn on lamp and disable flow …
When button is pressed then turn off lamp and activate flow…


I also use this flow with a door sensor. The light works also with a TBK Home TZ Dual Relay Module. As long as the flow is running I need to push the toggle switch on and off, before the light turns off. Is there a possibilty to fix this ?

From the point of view of efficiency are there differences between using timers or zone active/inactive?

Paul Scholte

Running a timer with the timer app or a timer Homey is running itself?
When timer (of 60 seconds) ends or When zone is inactive for 60 seconds?
Don’t think it makes much of a difference.
It can be a difference when u have zone activity in for example the kitchen and ur smart dishwasher is open. :wink:
Or just an open window in any zone.


I was wondering since you tried to minimize the running time of timers in one of your examples by starting a timer when “movement stops”. But doesn’t that mean that you have running two timers simultaneously: the “zone inactive timer” and the (app) timer? So wouldn’t it be more efficient to use “zone active/inactive” if (and only if) the zone has one sensor only? As would be the case in most instances in bathrooms and toilets?

Could be but honestly i don’t think it has that much effect on Homey.

The biggest difference is just that you have “infinite” possibilities for times you want your lights to go off with timers. With zone inactivity you only have a few set values with a minimum of 1 minute.


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that’s true. Thanks